Photographer based in Northwest, Ohio



Thank you for stopping by!

I'm Marlee, the one who hides behind the camera. 

My love for the art of photography began at a young age & I was literally shaking my photos to see them. You guessed it, a Polaroid camera! My grandmother use to hand me her Polaroid camera & send me out to her garden to take photos of her flowers. So there's probably a box full of photos of snap dragon flowers stashed away somewhere!

I love to capture people's special moments, big & small. There's something so special about being able to capture a moment for someone, then making it possible for them to look back at them years later. What's better than photographing my client's memories? Seeing their faces light up with joy when they see their photographs, nothing's better than that. I strive to make my clients happy!


Here are some fun things to know about me!

I was born & raised in Ohio, where my husband & I live with our three crazy dogs and farm cats.

True believer that breakfast foods are good to eat at anytime of day...yep I'm thinking of you Waffle House.

If you had to search for me at a zoo I'm definitely hanging out with the ELEPHANTS! They're the cutest.

Dream vacation would have to be Italy.


I hope you enjoyed your time on my website! If you have any questions please send me a message.

I look forward to capturing your special moments!

